Urekew, John
John Urekew.
Michael Urekew.
Paraskeva Mary Porsky Elskin.
Next, there was Uncle John. I remember visiting his home in Holyoke with my parents several
times. It was close to Northampton, and would have been an easy day trip. John owned a fruit
and vegetable stand on Route 5, and I believe that he was quite successful. He and Aunt
Mary owned a nice home in Holyoke, and they had two sons, John and, I believe, Michael. I
was in contact with our cousin John about ten years ago. He saw my name on the Web, and
looked me up. We exchanged some genealogical information, but I've not heard from him
since. I don't have any information about the date of birth of Uncle John. I just remember that
he seemed like a really nice person, as was his wife. I have only vague memories of my
parents discussing his untimely death sometime in the fifties, but I have no solid information to
offer you. You can easily find our cousin John on the Web, if you need more information
Framställd 2013-09-13 med hjälp av Disgen version 8.2d.